General Annual Meeting Draw-Up

Oliver Sonnentag and Trent sitting on the PermafrostNet Meeting

As part of the research for our Dehcho Fire Graphic Novel Project, Professor Oliver Sonnentag (Atmospheric Biogeosciences) from the Université de Montréal invited me to the internal General Annual Meeting of PermafrostNet, a Canadian permafrost research initiative run by various academics and scientists from different universities throughout Canada.

Also on board was Berlin based documentary film-maker Florian Opitz. Is he plotting his next endeavour? 

My personal goals were to conduct interviews, continue my research, network and of course catch some impressions into my sketchbook.
Click the images to enlarge

Various panels and workshops were held by Euro-Canadian, Native-Canadian or international scientist based in Canada, phd students, Native Canadian and Northern representatives as well as policy makers.

📸 Lyna Mansouri (AtmosBios) 

Free to use for non commercial work.

Please remember to add an image (Illustration by Aisu.Studio) credit when using the images.

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End Claim Calamities


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